• Audio recording of The Bonnart Trust's May 2023 Seminar

    July 18, 2023


    March 2023 Newsletter

    March 30, 2023

    March 2023 Newsletter

    What did it feel like to finish your PhD and to submit your viva?

    "I felt really proud to finish my PhD thesis. When I began it, I didn't anticipate that a global pandemic would intervene, and change so much about how I work, and how I related to my research. To get to the other side of it, see my PhD completed and received well, it made me feel like I had produced an important piece of work."

    What do you plan on doing next?

    “I might not have plans for a week or so whilst it sank in. During my viva, it was suggested that my PhD thesis could form the basis for a book. The prospect of that really enthuses me. It's something I'm very keen on following through. I really believe in the importance of my research, and hoping to spread it to as large and interested audience as possible."


    March 2023 Newsletter

    March 30, 2023

    Oliver Trowell for websitenewsletter

    March 2023 Newsletter

    My research focussed on the role of the Chinese Government in the reconstruction of post-conflict Syria and the rehabilitation of its economy, as well as its implications. Specifically, I sought to understand why China opted to assist Syria, a country which has experienced widespread destruction to its critical infrastructure and industries after more than a decade of war and remains constrained by economic sanctions.

    This research topic was chosen, in part, due to two of my key interests: counter-terrorism and counter-extremism, and soft power competition in international development. Using mostly qualitive methods, but with some secondary data analysis of Chinese investment and aid in Syria over the past two decades, I presented three key areas of interest that drive China's motives in Syria.

    First, it provides an arena through which it can confront the US and its allies in the Global North without risk of direct conflict. Second, Syria provides China with an opportunity to further secure Beijing's long-term energy interests and diversify its existing available supplies. Third, China recognises that the stabilisation of Syria will prevent the further outbreak of Salafi-Jihadist groups that threaten its domestic security and the successful rollout of the Belt and Road Initiative throughout Central and Western Asia.


    March 2023 Newsletter

    March 30, 2023

    Shereen Hunte for newsletter part on website

    March 2023 Newsletter

    My dissertation explored the potential for allyship between the Black British community and

    British Jewry in London. Within today’s society in London, the Black community and Jewish

    community are often perceived in extremes. This is apparent through most sections of society, geographically, politically, racially, economically, and beyond. Though it is integral to acknowledge the Black British community’s and British Jewry’s distinctly unique histories, I argued the utmost value in drawing connection between these communities as a powerful and transformative force of solidarity.

    This is particularly relevant considering each community’ experience of marginalisation, racialisation and movement in varying moments throughout British history. As Solomos (2003) rightly states, ‘only by analysing the way in which historical experience overlaps the present is it possible to understand the continuities and discontinuities between current racial ideologies and previous forms.’

    In addition, only by thoroughly analysing these overlaps are we able to imagine the true potential of authentic solidarity between communities. Through such analysis, I examined the points of solidarity that each community can lean on to strengthen rapport, support community healing and campaign for better rights regarding anti-black racism and antisemitism.

    To better understand the potential for allyship between the Black British and British Jewish communities in London, I chose interviews for my methodological approach. I interviewed a total of ten interviewees; four people who identified as Black, four people who identified as Jewish, and two people who identified as Black and Jewish.

    All interviewees held a key role in community organising for their respective community. The interviews exposed the nuance and complexities of solidarity, whilst identifying key equitable possibilities for supportive experience exchange, including ethnoreligious solidarity, solidarity as a healing practice; solidarity in cultural experience and solidarity in essence, leaning on the lived-experience of Black British Jews.


    March 2023 Newsletter

    March 30, 2023

    Temi for website newsletter 2

    March 2023 Newsletter

    Temi is an advocate for marginalised Black communities. She focuses on fighting against institutional racism and is passionate about building a world where we use a radically different approach to resolving conflict within society. Temi has discussed the importance of grassroots organising at a roundtable with the Obama Foundation. Temi has appeared in front of the Home Affairs Select Committee to give expert evidence about institutional racism in the police. She was part of the ministerial roundtable that examined serious youth violence.

    She has worked with Mexican institutions to consult on their "Building Movements, Tackling Violence" strategy. Temi was one of sixty change makers from across the world selected to participate in the 10th UNESCO Youth Forum. She was asked to consider how UNESCO can support and amplify the voices of young people who are actively engaged in peace-building across the world and presented these recommendations at the 39th UNESCO General Conference to representatives from across the world.

    Temi has been a commentator on numerous outlets, including The Today Programme, Sunday Politics, Channel 4 News, Sky News, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, as well as being featured in Vogue and Elle. She has spoken about racial equity at various universities and companies.

    Temi’s work at The 4Front Project is changing the way that people understand how to support young people who have been affected by violence.

    Temi grew up on Grahame Park Estate in North West London. It was her early experiences of injustice that formed her primary motivation to create change. She studied Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science where she was a High Spen Scholar. During her studies, she sought to bridge the gap between the academic theory and grassroots movements.