The Bonnart Trust Social Media Policy

This policy will be reviewed by the trustees on an annual basis.

This policy aims to clarify the Bonnart Trust’s position with regard to the use of social media by its scholars and other stakeholders and its approach to managing any safeguarding risks associated with such use.

As a grant-making trust, we recognise the value of social media as a tool for communicating with our stakeholders and advancing our mission. However, we also recognise the potential risks associated with the use of social media. To mitigate these risks, we have developed the following short external use of social media policy:

Use of Social Media: We encourage the use of social media by our scholars and other stakeholders. However, please note that social media should not be used as a substitute for direct communication with the Trust.

Professional Conduct: We expect all scholars and other stakeholders to conduct themselves professionally when using social media. This includes refraining from making derogatory or discriminatory comments and avoiding engaging in online arguments or other inappropriate behavior.

Personal Opinions: Personal opinions expressed on social media should not be attributed to the Trust. Please make it clear that any opinions expressed are personal and not representative of the Trust.

Confidential Information: Please be aware that information shared on social media is public and can be easily disseminated. Please do not share confidential information about the Trust or scholars on social media.

Endorsements: Please do not endorse or promote any commercial products or services on social media in connection with the Trust.

Compliance with Policies and Guidelines: All social media activities should be in compliance with the Trust's policies and guidelines, as well as applicable laws and regulations.

We reserve the right to take appropriate action in the event of any violation of this policy.

June 2023